Now You Can Too...
you're not alone. According to a recent study, 76% of Entrepreneurs Are doing the jobs of 3-6 employees!
you're not alone.
According to a recent study, 76% of Entrepreneurs Are doing the jobs of 3-6 employees!
Entrepreneurs work more hours than almost any other profession out there. 60, 80 and 100-hour workweeks have quickly become the norm. And the problem is, a giant chunk of that time is being spent on tasks that aren't worth your time.
You know you need help, but so far, finding that help has been like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
If you're like most, this leaves you feeling like no matter how many people you hire, it's never really the right person.
Every day, business owners and entrepreneurs are frustrated because either their teams aren’t keeping up with them or worse, they feel like they're the bottleneck.
All of these problems while very real and difficult, are not unique.
Getting them out of the day to day operations of running their companies helps them make more money, have more time and freedom, and truly create the impact that they desire.
Because let's be real, no matter how many days you wake up at 4am or how hard you hustle and grind, if you're spending all day putting out fires and having your attention pulled in a million different directions, you'll never create the business you really want.
Of course, on the other end of the spectrum, there are entrepreneurs who HAVE teams in place, yet feel like their team is the very thing that's slowing them down.
You're nOT Alone.
Most entrepreneurs are so desperate for help, they mistake a person who is willing to help with someone who can actually get the job done.
I know because I've been there. It took me a long time, but I finally learned that just because you own a business, does not mean you know how to hire and manage people.
And, not knowing how to hire is costing you money.
That's the bad news.
Your business is growing... which is awesome.
But, it's also created a problem.
Your time, bandwidth and attention are being pulled in so many different directions, you can barely think straight.
A vacation, full night's sleep, and the idea of being "done" with work sound nice, but there's just too much to do... there's just no way to get away.
You're painfully aware that you need help, but the idea of writing a job description, placing an ad, interviewing, hiring, and being responsible for yet another person leaves you paralyzed.
So, you do what any problem solver would do. You call up a friend, ask what they're doing for the next rest of their life and a quick handshake later — you've got an employee!
Being at the office is a lot more fun, but you can't help but notice there isn't any less work... as a matter of fact, there seems to be more.
The great, easy, and convenient hire has completely backfired, and become your worst nightmare.
and I agree... it seems that way but...
Making a great hire is not just about finding someone who's willing to do what you need them to, it's about knowing whether they can actually do what they say they're going to.
It's not about holding your breath, hoping to find a needle in a haystack, it's about attracting the right candidates so you can pick from the best of the BEST.
It's not about spending countless hours sifting through resumes, it's about having a system that quickly and efficiently lets the cream rise to the top.
Regardless of what position you're hiring for, the truth is when you hire someone you're not paying them for their time, you're buying back your own.
It's time To take the Mystery out of Finding Great People for your team...
To make matters worse, 86% of job applicants have admitted to lying on their resumes, how are YOU supposed to know how a team member will perform...before you’ve sunk a lot of time and money into this new position.
Every day, CEOs and entrepreneurs are frustrated because either their teams aren’t keeping up with them or they feel like a bottleneck
Learn The Easy Way to get the A-Players when you need them.
Hiring Like A Boss System ($997 Value)
Free Bonus #1 - Firing Like A Boss ($97 Value)
Free Bonus #2 - Personality Secrets for the Instant Perfect Hire ($147 Value)
Free Bonus #3 - Implementation Guides ($Priceless)
Don't waste your valuable time being fooled by them!
Years ago, when I had my marketing agency, I used to sit on the balcony of my condo in Florida with a direct view of the sunny beach.
Which sounds great...
But, there was a problem,
I was too busy working 70-80 hours per week to really enjoy anything in my life as much as I wanted to.
One of the biggest reasons I was so time poor was because I lacked talented and committed team members, so somehow everything always seemed to become my responsibility.
Even worse, I wasn't just hiring the wrong people, I was also wasting an incredible amount of time finding them and then getting them up to speed. Only to have them not work out for one reason or another.
I had a revolving door of people coming in and out of my business. Some were great, though I sucked at managing them and most were lazy, incapable or just not motivated.
This was all despite the fact that I even had lots of experience with hiring in my previous role in the corporate world.
Nothing had adequately prepared me for what it really takes to do it the right way.
I discovered that it's kind of like having a recipe. Success is way easier when you know the ingredients and amounts.
Hiring is the same way. It's not a perfect science, but you can get insanely accurate with how well you can hire people.
From years of trial and error to reading everything imaginable on the subject, to being immersed in entrepreneurial masterminds and even working closely with a veteran recruiter for years, I learned that there are proven strategies that DRAMATICALLY INCREASE YOUR ODDS of hiring someone great on to your team.
The Hiring Like a Boss System consolidates everything that I have personally battle-tested in my own companies and with my Private Clients.
It systematically shows you in specific simple steps how to hire great people for your team.
If you are NOT implementing these strategies, it is almost a certainty that you are leaving hard-earned cash on the table.
The course materials are able to be downloaded in MP3 format so that you can listen to them on the go, the companion workbook bullet points all of the steps so it's easy to follow along and the FREE BONUS Step-By-Step Implementation Guide will help you keep track of your progress.
I used to not be able to walk. Seriously...
I could only get around by crawling around the house and I needed help with everything from eating to washing myself.
Of course, I was 2.
If you're reading this, then you were two as well.
My point is that we all have to learn things to become better.
You learned to crawl, walk and then run and might even take it for granted now.
The truth is, you can become better at anything you put your mind to.
Hiring people is no different.
There is NOBODY who is just automatically great at it.
But, once you learn the simple fundamentals, you'll be amazed at how quickly you can get great results.
If you’re totally committed to growing a company with long-term success that is built on a solid foundation, you need the skill of hiring and retaining the right people.
Following the Hiring Like a Boss System, you will have what you need to approach hiring with confidence.
First of all, you should never hire if you don't NEED an employee or a contractor. It doesn't matter if it's your first hire or your millionth hire. That would be a waste of money and makes no sense.
What you do want is to hire people AS your business grows.
Though, the trick is getting the timing right.
Hire too soon, and you have someone sitting around while you pay them and they aren't productive.
Hire too late or "when it hurts", and you've already cost yourself money because you waited too long and are a bottleneck.
In Module #1 of the Hiring Like a Boss System, we discuss a simple and proven strategy for helping you know exactly when you need to hire someone so that you can have confidence in your hiring decisions.
If you're asking what to do with a new hire or someone on your team, it's too late. You already have a problem.
The thing about entrepreneurs is that we are a FIRE-READY-AIM type of people.
While this is great for seizing opportunity, it's not so great for hiring.
A small dose of planning goes a long way when you're hiring someone to work for you.
And, the good news is that once you realize how simple and straightforward this planning can be, you'll never want to hire without it.
You'll also never be in a position again not knowing who to hire, when to hire them, what to have them do, etc.
With the Hiring Like a Boss System, you'll have step-by-step instructions on everything from planning to on-boarding. Following the system will work if this is your first hire or your 101st hire.
The stuff you’ve read dispenses theoretical advice which usually applies to Fortune 500 corporations and companies way bigger than yours.
Sadly, there aren't many resources that take you into account - the entrepreneur who’s on the front lines and needs tactical information that can be implemented immediately.
The answers you seek, aren’t contained in a weekend seminar on leadership, a management blog or getting a tip from another business owner who is struggling just as much as you.
You need something you can use today.
You need something that has been battle-tested.
You need a system with action steps.
The Hiring Like a Boss System gives you course materials that are direct and straight to the point. The downloadable PDF guides highlight all of the important points you need to know and the FREE BONUS Step-By-Step Implementation Guide will help you always know your next action.
The Hiring Like a Boss System is different because it is efficient. It gives you the 10% of what you need to DO without having to deal with the 90% of things that will waste your time and money.
I hate to be the one to break it to you, but if you're in business long enough, eventually you will have to fire someone. 😊
When you get access to the Hiring Like a Boss System, you also get immediate access to the bonus training: Firing Like a Boss
In this bonus training, I share exactly how to figure out whether someone needs to go, how to prepare for things and how to have that challenging conversation.
I’ve simplified the process, so it’s not emotional or confusing and is also the honorable way to handle things for you and the person you’re letting go.
Some of the members I’ve fired from my team have actually thanked me for letting them go.
Implement what you learn from this training and you’ll find yourself on steady ground.
While hiring results will always vary, this is a great question.
Here’s what you can expect once you dive into the trainings and take consistent action:
3 days - You’ll have a clear picture of the person/people you need and you’ll have started to get the word out about the role.
3 weeks - You’ll have an inbox full of applications, narrowed it down to your top several candidates and will have extended an offer to the best one.
3 months - Congratulations! The new recruit is in place, proficient and productive. You’ll have a hard time imagining life without them. You are working noticeably less on things that aren’t in your zone of genius.
12 months - Has it been a year already?? The previously new recruit is a valued member of the team and making an impact on a regular basis.
Of course, none of this will happen if you keep reading this page and never get access to the Hiring Like a Boss System ;)
Since leaving his corporate position as Global Head of Digital Strategy for HSBC Bank in 2011, James has simultaneously run multiple 7 figure companies and has consulted with CEOs, entrepreneurs, and executive-level staff at companies ranging from Fortune 500 corporations to smaller, more entrepreneurial ventures helping them systematically increase efficiency while also growing their sales.
James holds a Bachelor of Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and lives in Boise, Idaho where, in addition to being a student of the game of business, he enjoys working out, drumming and skiing.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I hope you enjoy the MasterClass!
James P. Friel